Project Cheap Oddsey

Cheap Oddssey is (or rather, will be) a game inspired by several striking RPGs from the SNES era, with touches of melancholy characteristic of Little Prince, and with a good dose of surreal and stupid cartoon humor as Regular Show. 

This is my game.

I decided to post updates here from time to time, like a blog or something, so ...

Nothing too big today, just a little bit of what I've done over the weeks.

The First Area of the game is a large Red Forest, full of bridge, towers ... and trees ... In it you will find peculiar and cute beings and will play a not so important role in your life.

See this girl playing? She is Kiri ... end.

Well, Cheap Oddsey is a story about a child on a journey to a Big Company, but after an unexpected twist, she finds himself on a difficult mission involving stars, giant birds and video games.

Each area of the game will have a central theme to be addressed. The theme of the Forest is: Childhood.

I really hope to finish this, but for now.... bye.

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